Adding New Wire Payment Templates


The Wire Payments Template Maintenance function enables you to set up payment templates for beneficiaries you pay on a regular basis.

From the Payments menu, select Wire Payments, then click on Template Maintenance to access the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen.


To create a wire payment template:

1.       On the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen, click on the Add Template button to access the Create a Wire Payment Template screen.

2.       Enter a Template ID that will enable you to easily identify the template.  You can enter up to 20 characters.

3.       Enter a Template Description.

4.       A Pre-approved Amount can be entered for the template.


·         Templates must be approved by at least one authorized user for the pre-approved amount to take effect.

·         Payments created using a pre-approved template, that are within the pre-approved limit do not have to be approved before they can be submitted to the Bank

5.       From the drop down list, select the Debit Account for this template.

6.       You can enter an Amount for the template.


If an amount is entered when a template is set up, it cannot be changed when the template is used to create a payment.

7.       Select the Payment Currency.

For Foreign Currency Account (FCA) types, the choices for payment currency are restricted to USD, CAD or the currency of the debit account.

8.       Enter the full Name and Address of the Beneficiary.

9.       Enter the Beneficiary’s Account Number. If the number you are entering is an International Bank Account Number (IBAN), place a check in the check box next to IBAN.  

Please click here for more information about the IBAN.

10.   Using the Search function, select the Beneficiary Bank. 

a)       Select the type of Bank ID you would like to search for from the drop-down list in the Beneficiary Bank field.

If you selected SWIFT/BIC or ABA:

i.         Enter a corresponding code and press the Search button.

ii.       If there is a match, the results will be displayed on the Create One Time Wire Payment page in the Beneficiary Bank field.

iii.      If there are no matches or multiple matches, you will be directed to the Bank Search page with the results displayed on the page.

iv.      If there are matches displayed you may select a bank by clicking on the Bank Name link. Your selection will be displayed on the Create One Time Wire Payment page in the Beneficiary Bank field.


You many perform a new search using search Option 1 or 2.


Click on the Cancel button to return to the Create One Time Wire Payment page to manually enter the beneficiary bank information.


If you selected Bank/Transit:

i.         Select a Bank from the drop down list, enter a transit number and press the Search button.

ii.       If there is a match, the results will be displayed on the Create One Time Wire Payment page in the Beneficiary Bank field.

iii.      If there are no matches or multiple matches, you will be directed to the Bank Search page with the results displayed on the page.

iv.      If there are matches displayed you may select a bank by clicking on the Bank Name link. Your selection will be displayed on the Create One Time Wire Payment page in the Beneficiary Bank field.


You many perform a new search using search Option 1 or 2.


Click on the Cancel button to return to the Create One Time Wire Payment page to manually enter the beneficiary bank information.


If you selected Bank Name and Address:

i.         Press the Search button to access the Bank Search page. 

ii.       Enter all or part of the bank name/address you are searching for. You must enter at least the first two characters of the Bank Name.

iii.      Press the Search button.  The results will be displayed on the Bank Search page.

iv.      Select a bank by clicking on the Bank Name link.  Your selection will be displayed on the Create One Time Wire Payment page in the Beneficiary Bank field.


Click on the Cancel button to return to the Create One Time Wire Payment page to manually enter the beneficiary bank information.


Note:  Manually entering Beneficiary Bank Information may cause delays in payment processing.


11.   You may choose to enter the following Optional Information:

Information to Beneficiary

This optional field is used to enter transaction details intended for the beneficiary customer.  You may enter up to 4 lines of 35 characters.


Internal Memo

This field is for your internal use only. Information that is entered will not be sent with the payment, but will be displayed on transaction reports and included when you download your wire payment transactions.


Bank to Bank Information

You should only enter information in this field if instructed to do so by the bank.  Information in this field may cause delays in payment processing.


Vendor Number

This field is for your internal use only. Information that is entered in this field will not be sent to the bank with your payment instruction.


12.   When you have finished entering the required information, click on the Save button at the top of the screen.

If all required information was entered correctly, the following message will appear at the top of the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen:  ’Creation Successful’.

13.   The template you have created will be listed on the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen.


Copying Wire Payment Templates


Using the Template Copy function on the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen, you can create a template similar to one that was previously set up, without having to re-key all information.


To copy a template:

1.       On the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen, click on [copy] under the Action column next to the template you want to copy. 

The Create a Wire Payment Template screen will appear with the following fields populated:

·         Debit Account

·         Ordering Customer Name and Address

·         Currency

·         Beneficiary Name and Address

·         Beneficiary Account

·         Beneficiary Bank

Note: Any of this information may be changed to create a new template.

2.       You must enter information in the following fields:

·         Template ID

·         Template Description

You may also choose to enter the following:

·         Pre-approved amount

·         Amount

·         Information to Beneficiary

·         Internal Memo

3.       When you have finished entering the required information, click on the Save button at the top of the screen.

If all required information was entered correctly, the following message will appear: ’Creation Successful’.

4.       The template you have created will be listed on the Wire Payment Template Maintenance screen.


Invalid SWIFT Characters



The following characters should not be used when entering payment instructions:

+   & * # @ ;   ! $ %   ^ _ = :   < >   { } [   ]  \

These are invalid SWIFT characters and if they are entered, an error message will be returned.



Related Topics
Help Index
Getting Additional Help
Wire Payment Template Maintenance

Approving Wire Payment Templates

Modifying/Deleting Wire Payment Templates

Wire Payments from Templates