Modifying/Deleting Pending EFT Payments


Note:  Pending EFT Payments can only be modified or deleted by users who have been assigned the appropriate privileges.  For information on user privileges, refer to Group Information – Service Privilege Details – EFT Payments.


To modify a payment:


1.       On the Pending EFT Payments screen, click on the Payee/Payor name of the payment you want to modify to access the EFT Payment Details screen.


2.       Input the necessary changes.




·         If the payment you are modifying has a status of ‘Incomplete’, you will not be able to save any changes unless you complete all mandatory fields.

·         To return to the Pending EFT Payments screen without saving your changes, press the ‘Back’ button on your browser.


3.       Click on the Save button.


·         The following message will appear:  “Are you sure you want to update this payment?”

·         Click ‘OK’ to save your changes




·         Only the following fields can be altered when modifying a payment created using a template:

·         Due Date

·         Amount (If an amount is specified when a template is created, it cannot be modified)

·         Sundry Information

·         Additional Information

·         CPA Code


·         Payments that are modified will revert to ‘Entered’ status and must be re-approved before they can be submitted to the Bank for processing.  


To delete a pending payment:


EFT Payments can be deleted directly from the Pending EFT Payments screen.


1.       Click [delete] under the Action column next to the payment that you want to delete. The following message will appear:  Are you sure you want to delete this payment?


2.       Click ‘OK’ to delete the payment.


Payments can also be deleted from the EFT Payment Details screen, allowing you to view the details of a payment before you delete it.


1.       Click on the Payee/Payor name to view the details of a payment.


2.       Click on the Delete button at the top of the EFT Payment Details screen.


·         The following message will appear:  Are you sure you want to delete this payment?

·         Click ‘OK’ to delete the payment.



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Group Information
My Services
One Time EFT Payments
EFT Payment Groups
EFT Payments from Templates
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Approving EFT Payment Templates
Approving EFT Payments
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Modifying/Deleting Pending EFT Payments
EFT Payment Template Maintenance
Modifying/Deleting EFT Payment Templates
EFT Payment History
EFT File History
File Export - EFT Payments
File Export - EFT Payment Templates
File Import - EFT Payments
EFT Payments Upload File Layout
EFT Payments - Group Information – Service Privilege Details
EFT Payment Reports
Pending EFT Payments
Service Information – EFT Payments
Template Maintenance
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